Guest Post
Dec 14, 20203 min read
Towards a Better Understanding of Speech
A person who stutters is often bombarded with likely causes of his/ her disorder by all and sundry. It causes a lot of confusion and...
Dr. A.L. Adlakha
Dec 10, 20202 min read
Taking Care of Your Ears
Isn’t it fun to be able to talk and hear? You can talk to your friends, hear their jokes and laughter. But if you cannot hear and talk,...
Guest Post
Dec 10, 20202 min read
Group Therapy Analysis Through the Mind of a Stutterer
The rush hour begins and along with a thousand others I too got up early today. Chasing my inane dreams, a constant battle between the...
Dr. Sajiv Adlakha
Dec 10, 20203 min read
Make That Call!
Many people, whether they have a stammer or not, can have difficulty talking on the telephone. Using the telephone can cause a great deal...
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